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I’m Jonathan Wilson, and I’m here to help you live a more fulfilled life.

About Me

What’s in it for you?

Why should you read this blog? The answer to that is simple – because you want your life to be better. Reading this blog won’t magically create money in your bank account, but it will give you an opportunity to view life a little differently. Things like assertiveness, communication, and self-image are vital to a person’s overall well-being. I discuss those topics and much more in this blog. The welcome post has a more complete breakdown.

Overall, my goal is simply to help you. Throughout my life I’ve poured my knowledge and experience into anyone that would listen, and over the past few years I’ve received many positive reports from people who have been helped by my words. This is why I’m putting these words out in digital form – if I can help even one person, it’s a win for me.

If you have any questions, contact me here. But for now, you can follow my other socials here, or join the Thoughtversation (mailing list) to get the articles sent straight to your inbox.
